
Stage 6

In the Senior years we aim to prepare students for their life beyond school by supporting them in their academic studies, assisting in the development of life priorities and leadership skills, and by encouraging them to serve their community and their world.   The demands of the Senior years are considerable as the expectations placed on students increases. The College has a range of strategies and programs that ensure that our students are prepared to meet the academic rigours of Preliminary and Higher School Certificate (HSC) courses.   Our Senior students are committed learners who work in partnership with their teachers towards a common goal; to be a Christ-centred learning community that cultivates excellence and inspires and equips students towards a holistic, authentic and meaningful life.


The structure of the curriculum follows that directed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). The College has a very broad offering of subjects for its Senior students.


  • English (Standard or Advanced)

2 Unit Subjects

  •  Ancient History
  • Biology
  • Business Studies 
  • Chemistry
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • Food Technology
  • Industrial Technology (Timber)
  • Legal Studies
  • Modern History
  • General Mathematics
  • Information Processes and Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Music I
  • Music II
  • Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
  • Photography, Video and Digital Imaging
  • Physics
  • Studies of Religion II 
  • Software Design and Development
  • Visual Arts

1 Unit Extension Subjects

  • Extension 1 English
  • Extension 2 English
  • Extension History
  • Extension 1 Maths
  • Extension 2 Maths

Please note:   Where there is insufficient interest in a course it may not run. Additional subjects are also offered via external providers, including TAFE.

Senior Transition program

Our Senior Summit transition program takes place as students enter Year 11. It provides outstanding preparation for each student’s final years of schooling in a College environment that recognises that students perform their best when they are equipped, cared for, and supported. The program is designed to provide for student well-being by teaching study skills and assisting students to set realistic goals, organise their schedule, and manage stress and a range of other youth issues.

Student Leadership opportunities

The College’s student leadership program grows leadership capacity and recognises leadership gifts. The program gives students the opportunity to lead and to serve in an area of their choosing and passion. Portfolios encompass academic, spiritual, cultural, and environmental programs as well as the arts.(Read more link)

Stage 6 Camps

Snow Camp – Year 11   

Ski Camp is a highlight experience for our Year 11 students that occurs early in Term 3. This camp is a five day experience travelling by coach to Jindabyne. From here, students travel to the slopes at Perisher to experience all that this wonderland has to offer. Fully qualified instructors lead ski lessons targeted at different ability levels to ensure that students are safely equipped to enjoy their time on the fields. College staff are also on the slopes each day, and are available to assist and support students on their ski adventure. Our longest College camp is always an unforgettable experience, where students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones and engage in activities that stretch them and give them a sense of accomplishment and confidence.  

Our staff also deliver a devotional program over the camp where students are challenged to assess their own faith and perspectives about a range of issues relevant to them, including growing with integrity, overcoming obstacles and developing a sense of purpose as they begin their latter adolescent years.

Study Camp - Year 12  

Our HSC Study Camp takes place in a picturesque bushland or seaside location. Led by College staff, students participate in a study skills and practical study workshop designed to engage them deeply with their own studies and the best study processes. Students are mentored by teachers across all subject areas and are often able to receive targeted tuition to give them not only greater skill, but also greater confidence in their own abilities. The camp incorporates specific sessions that address the importance of spiritual as well as general health and well-being, including managing stress.  The camp is punctuated by outdoor recreational activities to give students a well-earned break.