
Statement of Belief

We believe…


There is one God and He is sovereign and eternal. He is revealed in the Bible as three equal divine Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God depends on nothing and no one; everything and everyone depends on Him. God is holy, just, wise, loving and good. God created all things of His own sovereign will, judged them to be good, and sustains and rules all things by his Word.

God is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is also Father of all whom He has adopted as His children. Because of God’s faithfulness and His fatherly concern, nothing can separate His children from His love, revealed in Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternally existing, only begotten Son of the Father. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, truly God and truly man, he lived a sinless life.

The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sin and brokenness, leads them to repentance, creates faith within them and transforms believers to realise their true identity as image-bearers of God.

The Bible

The Bible is the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God, and the only absolute guide for all faith and conduct. It is indispensable and the only authority for our knowledge of God, of ourselves and the rest of creation. It is therefore the task of every Christian to thoughtfully and prayerfully seek God’s will by reading and studying the Bible.

God’s World

Adam and Eve, the parents of all humankind, were equally blessed with the unique dignity of being created in the image of God. Marriage between a man and a woman is a gracious gift of God, instituted by Him at the very dawn of creation: created with equal dignity in the image of God, their difference is celebrated in this union.

As image-bearers of God, humankind was created to be inherently relational, creative, volitional and eternal. They worship their Creator by choosing to love and serve Him and by exercising dominion under God’s rule by inhabiting, possessing, ruling, caring for and enjoying God’s creation. Consequently, the purpose of human existence is to glorify God forever.

Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, because of which all people are alienated from God and each other and, as a result, they and all creation are under God’s judgement.

All people have sinned and, if outside of Christ, are in a fallen, sinful, lost and broken condition, helpless to save themselves, under God’s condemnation and blind to life’s true meaning and purpose. God holds each person responsible and accountable for their choices made and actions pursued. All the brokenness experienced by humankind flows from humanity’s shared and fundamental rejection of God’s sovereignty. However right from the beginning of creation God promised a solution.

In love, Jesus Christ voluntarily suffered the penalty of death by crucifixion for the sin of the whole world. He was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day thus signifying victory over sin and death. Jesus now lives and rules from heaven. By personal faith in Christ one can know the complete forgiveness of sins, be reconciled to God, become a member of the family of God and receive eternal life. Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as Saviour will be separated from God eternally.

God’s People

Living in gratitude for God’s relentless grace and in dependence on the Holy Spirit, we are called to live lives worthy of His calling in love and obedience to Christ in all spheres of life. We are to proclaim the Gospel and be a community of faith, hope and love. Each person is to use their God-given gifts to serve one another and God’s world.

As a Christian school we are called to love God and to honour Him by loving others as Jesus did, treating all people with dignity, respect and compassion. We are to model our approach to relationships within our community on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Hateful or harassing behaviour and attitudes directed toward any individual or group are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture. We are to partner with parents in carrying out their God-given responsibility to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord and to diligently teach them the truth of God’s Word.